Fall Sale: Chairs as low as $495. Click for more details...

Weekly Q & A

Have questions about our products? Join our free weekly live seminar where we answer questions you may have.

Every Tuesday & Thursday we open up the floor with any questions, comments, or any stories you would like to share with us. Hosted by our President, Randy Schellenberg will facilitate and answer any questions regarding our products or provide insights into which of our specialized seating is best suited for you.

Tuesday's Q & A

7:00pm (EST)

Join Zoom meeting using this link:

Join Tuesday's Q & A

Meeting ID: 865 4055 3665

Password: 526987

Thursday's Q & A

3:00pm (EST)

Join Zoom meeting using this link:

Join Thursday's Q & A

Meeting ID: 870 8297 4389

Password: 067084