Summer Sale: Chairs as low as $495. Click for more details...

Chairs that Swivel Away from the Table Safely

Create a safe dining experience with chairs with swivel-locking seats & lockable casters. Designed for both caregivers and loved one's receiving care. Return to the dining table with ease and comfort with chairs that help prevent falls. A sturdy dining chair that turns away from the table. Eliminates the physical demands of caregiving. Makes it easy to get-up and down from chairs and move up-to and away-from the table. Allowing families to return to the heart of the home, the dinner table, with dignity.

From meals to conversations, the dining table is a hub of activity. A simple change in seating can enhance safety, improve daily and nightly routines, and reduce caregiver burnout.

See the Motion of the Chairs with Swivel-Locking Seat

See the Motion of Chairs with Swivel-Locking Seat & Lockable Casters

Eliminating table interference and the trip zone for seniors.

Eliminate table interference to help prevent falls and reduce injury for both caregivers and loved ones.

Table Interference /
Fall & Injury Risk:
  1. The seat of the chair Swivels and auto-locks every 90° (L/R).

  2. The person being seated has full access to the seat of the chair eliminating any interference with the table

  3. The arms of the chair can be used for stability/support as they are prevented from moving unexpectantly

  4. When exiting the table, the seated person rises from the chair and walks directly away
Eliminating table interference and the trip zone for seniors.
Table Interference /
Fall & Injury Risk:
  1. The seat of the chair Swivels and auto-locks every 90° (L/R).

  2. The person being seated has full access to the seat of the chair eliminating any interference with the table

  3. The arms of the chair can be used for stability/support as they are prevented from moving unexpectantly

  4. When exiting the table, the seated person rises from the chair and walks directly away

Safely remove your loved one out of the 'Trip Zone'. Eliminate table interference to help prevent falls and reduce injury for both caregivers and loved ones.

Prevents Accidents, Injuries & Falls

Reduces Caregivers Fatigue & Stress

Make it Easy to Gather Around the Table

Brings a Sense of Normalcy to the Dining Experience

…The greatest appreciation for this furniture will be evident in the lives of cherished loved ones as they will experience an increased sense of dignity and self-worth!